We use Donalyn Miller's 40 Book Challenge on my team. I have mixed emotions about it because Accelerated Reader scarred me as a child because I was a VERY slow reader. One aspect I love about the challenge though, is the push to explore different genres. I was that kiddo who only read Roald Dahl (whoops). LOVE MATILDA!
Behold, genre badges were born.

In the 40 Book Challenge students are required to read a certain amount of books in each genre. This CHALLENGE part with a numeric goal, gets the students all sorts of revved up. My serial genre readers last year were forced to explore other worlds, it was awesome. Once a student completes the required number of books for that genre, they earn the badge. They level up. They win. Just like they would in any video game.
I figure the badges will be two-fold in my classroom. On Edmodo you can award students badges, I am hoping this same concept will apply with my students blogs this year. Instead of a brag tag to wear around school, for a 6th grader they would have the "brag tag" mentality as their personal blog sports their genre badges. (After a couple years of trial and error with blogs - I find KidBlog is my go-to).
Visual reminders of success and pride are also very important. I have not quite decided where their badges will be sported yet, but it will either be on their desktop or perhaps the front of their locker for all to see. After all, multiple books in a new genre is a HUGE success.

Let the games begin!
Stay chip free and standards based!
ALSO! Interested in the badges - leave a comment with your email and I will send them on over :)
I am very interested in the badges!! I haven't decided how I want to implement independent reading in my 7th grade classroom yet - but I love the book whisperer and I think the idea of "leveling up" is so motivating to middle schoolers! Thank you SO much for sharing your hard work!
ReplyDeleteJust found your blog and Instagram feed - I love your ideas! I am always looking for other 6th grade teachers to follow. I am in a 1:1 iPad class too! Could I get a copy of your badges? Thank you so much. And if you are ever interested in being blogging buddies with my class (I am in Utah) - let me know. My e-mail is bbcoble@gmail.com.
ReplyDeleteI love this idea and would love to get a copy of the badges for use in my classroom. rebecca.j.simpson@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteI would love to have the badges for my classroom. Thanks so much! I love this idea! dgoodwin@cbcsd.org
ReplyDeleteI would love to have the badges for my classroom. Thanks so much! I love this idea! dgoodwin@cbcsd.org
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI would love these badges!
ReplyDeleteI would love them! Just what I'm looking for. lnjames83@yahoo.com
ReplyDeleteI love your badges! They would work perfectly for my 5th grade reading challenge. Can you please send a copy my way: amanda.lawson@rossrams.com.
ReplyDeleteThank you in advance. :)
PLease send the reading badges. Such a great idea! shelleylcotton@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteGreetings from Singapore! I love the idea of applying gaming concepts to reading - so fun for a 7th grade ELA class. Please share your badges!
ReplyDeleteI love this idea! It's 3:15 am on a Summer Tuesday and I woke up thinking about doing badges as a 40 book challenge incentive. Google has led me to YOU! Please share! Thanks, girlie! Your blog is awesome! peartjennifer@gmail.com